My comics collaborator Molly "Jakface" Nemecek and I have been putting more work into the environments of our online comic, which continues to update (almost) weekly. Here are a few we're particularly proud of.
Woo Hoo! Chapter One – ECCC Print Edition!
Just in time for Emerald City Comi-Con, Woo Hoo! collaborator Jak and I have managed to put together the first print edition of our comic! Check out the previews below. This exclusive limited-run comes signed by Jak and I, with some bonus goodies. If you’re inclined, you can purchase it here! Bask for a moment in all the glory my crappy phone-camera allows…
Comics: Woo Hoo!
Here we go! My frequent collaborator Molly Nemecek and I have just kicked off a new webcomic! All light-hearted humour and adventure. Our precise roles overlap, but in general: I'm the writer, thumbnail-sketcher, environment (background) artist, colourist and letterer, and Molly is the character artist extraordinaire. Here's some of our work. You can also read the comic itself at Woo Hoo!
Even Death May Die!: A dieselpunk webcomic
A few randomly-ordered pages from Even Death May Die!, a webcomic by myself, with assistance from my oft-collaborator Molly Nemecek. A work where I get to invent a whole world, dabbling in creating graphic designs, architecture, industrial design and retro-future technology with wild abandon — all stuck together with a Lovecraftian noir-influenced pulp adventure plot and snarky dialogue.
EDMD updates rarely, but that could change if people gave me more time. In the form of money. :)